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MCAN’s science portal and crash course in climate justice

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I’m sure we all share memberships in some of the same groups, use some of the same websites, etc. The website on Maine Climate Action Now (MCAN) has links to two projects they have developed for citizens and educators to use for their own educational pursuits: a science portal to explore the science of climate change and a crash course in climate justice. The science portal invites one to use “two-eyed seeing” in thinking about, and producing knowledge about the environment and our place in it. Use one eye of Western science and one eye of indigenous wisdom. The crash course on climate justice was developed in concert with Maine Youth for Climate Justice. What interesting sources can you recommend for the group to consider?

(@John Burr)
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One of the better resources I've found is on the NASA website.

The information is comprehensive, and based on science and data. 

I realize that people are skittish about believing information from the government the days, but I believe this NASA site is a great place to start and it will lead you to many productive avenues.


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