Teach for MSC

Interested in teaching a course at Midcoast Senior College? We would love to talk to you about your area of expertise and interest. We offer classes in-person or on-line (using Zoom). Courses are offered in the Fall Term which runs from early September through mid-December (Fall Term I is for courses 8 weeks or fewer; Fall Term II is for courses 6 weeks or fewer), Winter Intersession which is January, and Spring Term which runs from early February through late May ((Spring Term I is for courses 8 weeks or fewer; Spring Term II is for courses 6 weeks or fewer).

Please introduce yourself by sending an email to one of our Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs. In your email, please provide information about yourself including a CV and teaching experience.

Co-Chairs of Curriculum Committee:

Leona Dufour – email: LeonaDufour@aol.com
John Haile – email: john.h.haile@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you!


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