Board of Directors
Officers 2024/2025
- Freda Bernotavicz
- Leona Dufour
- Susan Goran
- Kevin Hart
- Bruce Hauptli
- Jay Kuder
- M. Kelly Matzen
- Craig Snapp
- Erv Snyder
- Laurie Spurr
- William VanderWolk
- David Vogt
- George Young
Executive Committee
- President: Bruce Hauptli
- Vice President:
- Treasurer: Kevin Hart
- Secretary: Susan Goran
Meet Our Board of Directors

Freda Bernotavicz
Freda moved to Maine in 1974 from Washington D.C. looking for a healthy place to live and raise a family. With a graduate degree in Instructional Communications, she worked at University of Southern Maine until her retirement in 2017. At the Muskie School of Public Service, she was Director of the Institute for Public Sector Innovation, Adjunct Faculty and Team Leader of a national leadership and workforce development institute using remote technology to provide continuing education programs.
She served on the Maine Governor’s Children’s Cabinet, was Board Member and Chair of the Standards Committee of the National Staff Development and Training Association, and has also served on the board of local non-profits.

Leona Dufour
Leona retired from teaching high school English in upstate New York. She and her husband soon moved to Georgetown after having fallen in love with mid-coast Maine during numerous summer vacations. She has been taking courses at Midcoast Senior College nearly ever semester for the past fourteen years and has also partnered in teaching four courses. Last spring she did a zoom lecture.
In addition to finishing a memoir, she has been keeping a COVID diary for this past year. So far it numbers nearly 70,000 words. She hopes her granddaughter might be interested in it.

Susan Goran
Susan F. Goran has been privileged to practice in a variety of nursing roles in various ICUs throughout Maine and New England for many years. Retiring from a full-time clinical position 4 years ago, she is currently enjoying an adjunct faculty position teaching Leadership in the UNE School of Nursing & Population Health on the Portland campus. Susan attained her initial nursing diploma at the NE Baptist Hospital School of Nursing in Boston and later received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in nursing from University of Southern Maine in Portland. Very active in a variety of professional nursing organizations, Susan served on the Board of Directors for the American Association of Critical Care Nurses from 1993-96 providing her opportunities to present on critical care topics including leadership for regional, national, and international audiences. She has contributed to the professional nursing literature with peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and recently published her first textbook, ‘Telemedicine: Care Beyond Touch’ which is helping current healthcare providers learn about the use of telehealth/telemedicine to enhance patient care. Passionate about continuous learning, Susan has both attended classes at Midcoast Senior College as a participant and has offered her medical and nursing knowledge by teaching a course on advance directives entitled Final Gifts. Susan lives with her husband of 35 years, John, in Freeport and they enjoy following the sun during the winter months.

Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart has been a resident of Brunswick since 2009. Prior to moving to Maine, he taught health law and health policy at the University of Rochester, in New York State. He has been a practicing lawyer, a book editor, and a newsletter journalist in Washington, D.C., where he covered the U.S. Supreme Court. He is currently on the Board of Family Focus, and served on the board of the Friends of Curtis Library. He is actively involved in First Parish Church in Brunswick, where he is presently a member of the Church Council.

Bruce Hauptli
Bruce is a life-long educator who taught philosophy for forty years. He earned a BA in mathematics from Lawrence University in Appleton, WI; and a MA and PhD in philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
He and his wife, Laurie, retired to Bath in 2015, and he has both taken and taught MSC courses.

Jay Kuder
Jay is the author of three professional books and numerous professional papers.

M. Kelly Matzen

Craig Snapp
An enthusiasm for science and technology led Craig to a PhD in Applied Physics from Cornell University. A 30-year Silicon Valley career followed, doing research, product development and management in the field of wireless semiconductor devices. Retiring to Brunswick in 2003 allowed him to spend more time in the great Maine outdoors, become an avid photographer and volunteer for a number of land conservation non-profits including being on the board of the Downeast Coastal Conservancy. He has most recently become active with the local Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter.
Craig has enjoyed taking a variety of Midcoast Senior College courses and has taught one on “Exploring Your World and Beyond with Google Earth.”

Erv Snyder
Erv has been a resident of Brunswick since 1975. He was a lawyer with a general practice in Wiscasset (1975 – 2012). He spent 13 years on Brunswick School Board, 4 years on Brunswick Town Council and just termed out on the Mid Coast/Parkview Hospital Board of Directors. Having served on many public building committees in Brunswick, Erv was an active member of many committees of the First Parish UCC Church in Brunswick.

Laurie Spurr
Laurie Spurr is the former Head of English at the Collège du Léman in Switzerland. She has also taught at the Université du Troisième Age, the Swiss equivalent of our Senior College. Prior to her teaching career, she was a journalist in Chicago, then associate head of a communications firm, before returning to journalism with an international wire service in Geneva. She has a BA in English from Mount Holyoke College and a teaching degree in French from the Université de Neuchâtel. After many visits to Maine over the years, she and her husband moved to Brunswick, where she has been delighted by the courses she has taken at MSC.

Bill VanderWolk
A French teacher during his 40-year career, Bill spent the last 29 years of it at Bowdoin, retiring in 2013. He has taught courses at MSC on French literature in translation and is Co-Chair of the Curriculum Committee.

David Vogt
David Vogt received his BA in Physics from Colby College and MBA at Harvard Business School. He spent 12 years at Education Development Center, a MIT spin-off including one year teaching the materials developed in a public high school, worked in nuclear radiation software modeling, and served in the U.S. Army. He has published papers, taught undergraduate filmmaking, worked on the technical and management side in software and hardware systems with a robotics focus. Other work included a Substance Abuse Group Volunteer Facilitator at SMART Recovery, a non-profit international organization. He is retired, enjoying the proximity to his family and grandchildren in Maine.

George Young
George graduated Phi Beta Kappa in English from Duke, and as a Woodrow Wilson Scholar earned a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures at Yale. He taught Russian language and literature and general humanities at Grinnell, Dartmouth, and the University of New England. In retirement, both at OLLI in Portland and MSC in Brunswick, as both student and teacher, he has shared his long standing love of the great books, especially in Russian and ancient classical literature. As a scholar he has written extensively on Russian literature and religious philosophy of the late Tsarist period. His most recent book, The Russian Cosmists, is regarded as the standard work on the subject in English. In a long break from academia, he worked for twenty some years as a fine arts dealer and auctioneer, specializing in nineteenth and early twentieth century American and European paintings. He and his wife now enjoy slow hiking, nine hole golf, children, grandchildren, and the many rich but affordable opportunities for cultural life in Brunswick.
Board Responsibilities
What Does the MSC Board of Directors Do?
by James W. Wilkes, President, Midcoast Senior College
November 2018
The Midcoast Senior College (MSC) board of directors believes that strong board leadership is fundamental to a strong and effective college. When asked to explain what the MSC board does, I turned to a book I have used as my bible in the nonprofit world since 1988. Richard Ingram’s Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards is now in its third edition and published by BoardSource.
The Midcoast Senior College board of directors:
1. Is responsible for ensuring that MSC’s mission is clearly stated and advocates for it
- The mission statement serves to guide board and staff decisions about programs, volunteer initiatives, and priorities among competing demands for scarce resources
2. Selects the executive director and determines what the executive director does
- Board of directors sets policy, plans, and strategy
- Executive director executes policy, completes plans, and implements strategy
3. Supports and evaluates the executive director
- The board provides personal and organizational support for the executive director’s leadership
- At least annually, assesses the executive director’s performance
4. Ensures effective planning
- All programs support and promote the mission and goals of MSC
5. Monitors and strengthens programs and services
- Determines which programs are consistent with mission, and monitors their effectiveness
6. Ensures adequate financial resources
- Assists in developing the annual budget, and ensures proper financial controls are in place
7. Protects assets and provides proper financial oversight
- Protects fiduciary responsibilities (public trust)
- Safeguards assets and holds them in trust
8. Recruits competent members to the board who bring specific, needed skills
- Articulates prerequisites for board positions
- Orients new board members
- Assigns members to chair committees in administrative, finance, development, other areas
- Periodically evaluates its own performance
9. Ensures legal and ethical integrity, and maintains accountability
- Adheres to legal standards and ethical norms, including: compliance, transparency, accountability
10. Enhances MSC’s public standing
- Serves as a link between the college, its members, and the general public
- Acts as MSC ambassador and advocates for the college
Committee Chairs
- Community Outreach: Susan Goran
- Curriculum: Leona Dufour, John Haile*
- Development: Open
- Executive: Bruce Hauptli
- Events: Freda Bernotavicz
- Finance: Kevin Hart
- Nominating: M. Kelly Matzen
- Summer Wisdom: M. Kelly Matzen, Morton Achter*, David Clark*
- Winter Wisdom: Reg Elwell*, Stuart Gillespie*, Craig Snapp, David Vogt
Laurie Johnson, Editor of The Midcoast Inquirer
Volunteer Coordinator
Donna Marshall**
* Not a Board member
**Serves ex officio as a non-voting member on the Board of Directors