Purchase Today! Tickets are on sale for the matinee performance of “Always… Patsy Cline” at Theater in Monmouth on September 22 at 1 pm. This heartfelt celebration, full of emotion and down-home country humor, is sure to leave you tapping your toes to songs you know and love! Always… Patsy Cline is based on the true story of Cline’s friendship with her biggest fan, Louise Seger. After Cline’s tragic and untimely death, Louise reminisces on their happenstance friendship, her love for the singer, and the letters they wrote one another over the years, which Patsy consistently signed “Love Always…Patsy Cline.” AND, THERE’S MORE! Midcoast Senior College ticket holders will be invited to an educational Zoom in advance of the play to learn about this genre of music and Cline’s role in it. After the show, we’re invited to stick around for a post-performance discussion with the crew and cast. Theater Super Sized! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS