Happy New Year, lifelong learners! MSC has much in store for you this winter. Let’s review: Winter Wisdom Free Speaker Series kicks off on January 4 with special guest and performer Ross Crolius who will sing an aria and take us through his career as a chorister with the Met Opera. Sponsored by The Highlands, this event is on Wednesday, 1/4, at Unitarian Universalist Church in Brunswick from noon-1:30. Free & No Registration. The full Winter Wisdom brochure can be accessed by clicking HERE. Another exciting speaker series is the Maine’s Transforming Economy and Changing Demographics beginning on January 11 with John Dorrer who will provide an overview of the changing working landscape in Maine during his Winter Wisdom talk and followed by monthly evening webinars. Get all the details by clicking HERE. Workshops & Discussions are on tap for our January Winter Session (many are free) – click HERE for the full program. And, looking ahead, Spring Term I has 12 amazing courses – click HERE to check those out. Let’s crank the mental engines up and race ahead into 2023 together!